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The Board of Governance manages the affairs, funds, records, and property of the Congregation and is responsible for retaining all personnel necessary for the proper functioning of the Temple and for fixing the terms and conditions of employment of such persons. It establishes and acts on all matters of policy consistent with these Bylaws, fills all vacancies on the Board until the next annual meeting of the Congregation, and performs such other duties as the members of the Congregation may authorize at an annual or special meeting of the Congregation.

The Board of Governance consists of twenty persons: eight Officers, nine Trustees, one appointed delegate from the Men's Club and one from the Sisterhood and the immediate past President of the Congregation. The board meets once every month. The regular meetings are open to the membership of the Congregation with the exception of announced sessions to be closed as necessary for the discussion of confidential matters involving individual members, staff or clergy.


Beth Am Temple Board of Trustees 2024

President, Jill Green
Executive Vice President, Luisa Narins
Vice President, Risa Schwartz
Vice President, Robin Traum
Treasurer, Adam Simpson
Financial Secretary, Natalie Schutter
Recording Secretary, Ellen Badinelli
Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Silverstone
Immediate Past President, Maris Taylor
Men’s Club President, Rich Trent
Sisterhood Co-President, Diane Weiss
Sisterhood Co-President, Barbara Silverstone
Rabbi, Daniel Pernick



​Three year trustees

Barry Rost
Ann Ellis
Lloyd Tasch


Two year trustees

Denise Goldschmidt
Randi Dubno Gardner
Denise Baird


One year trustees

Lainie Kreindler
Bernie Garzia
Mark Kalman


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